Honor - Courage - Commitment

Leadership - Teamwork



We are committed to protecting the lives, property and rights of all people, to maintain order and to enforce the laws. We will strive to accomplish this mission by setting goals and objectives and practicing the values of the office.

We are responsible for the professional care and custody of those confined in our jail, the security of our courts and the prompt investigation of crime when it occurs. It is our mission to improve and maintain the quality of life we enjoy and to ensure that our county is a safe place to live, work and visit. We are totally dedicated to this mission, to the County we serve and to accept responsibility of attaining our goal of achieving excellence within our profession.

No matter what challenges face us in the future, the citizens of Clay County may be assured that the quality of life they now enjoy will be protected by the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office with:


The business of public safety is a partnership; Deputy Sheriffs and citizens must work together closely.


Action Plan:
(Proactive Law Enforcement)

 Community Involvement; Cooperative Planning with Other Agencies; Zero Tolerance Meth Approach; Aggressive Grant Strategy and Full Use of all Technology/Training.

       PREA                                  Prison Rape Elimination Act 

The Prison Rape Elimination Act 2003 (PREA) was enacted by congress to address the problem of sexual abuse and sexual harassment within confinement settings.  In 2012, the United States Department of Justice published a final rule adopting national standards for prevention, detection, and responding to prison rap under PREA.  Consistent with PREA, the Clay County Detention Center maintains a policy of zero tolerance toward all forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. 

For more information about PREA, visit the National PREA Resource Center at www.prearesourcecenter.com

Clay County Detention Center PREA Division, 

 PREA Coordinator Phone: 256-354-7713, Email: PREA@clayso.net

PREA Division: 41771 Hwy 77, Suite 2, Ashland, Al. 36251 

The Safehouse of Shelby County: 262 Yeager Pkwy #A, Pelham, Al 35124

You also can submit a report on someone's behalf, or someone at the facility can report for you using the ways listed above.